ALLA BASTILLA POTETE SCEGLIERE UNA VACANZA DI TRANQUILLITÀ dove poter riposare, dormire, prendere il sole, rilassarvi nei boschi o nei prati, passeggiare sui numerosi sentieri montani, visitare le borgate di Gravere o la città romana di Susa, il forte di Exilles, la vicina Torino dista soli 60 Km!
ALLA BASTILLA POTETE FARE UNA VACANZA DI SPORT con trekking, escursioni in quota, mountain bike, arrampicata libera sulla parete dei cervi, praticare tutte le discipline di sport invernali sulle montagne olimpiche raggiungibili in mezz'ora di auto, canoa, rafting, cavallo.
MA SE VOLETE FARE FESTA vi potrete divertire con musiche e balli di ogni tipo...
LA BASTIA: Luogo ideale per ogni stagione e per tante esigenze...TRANQUILLITÀ, SPORT e...FESTA!!
ENGLISH VERSION: My house is situated in the historical center of the tiny hamlet of Gravere. In the mountains.It's located into an old renovated stones house
A few years ago we opened our own house as a bed & breakfast.Downstairs there's a large kitchen that doubles as a dining room and breakfast room.Some of the walls are made of stone, others are bright red.There is a fireplace and a wood burning stove, a long table and a sofa.The atmosphere is rustic and very cozy.
On the ground floor there is a bedroom with three beds also with vintage furniture.The bed and the wardrobe are from my own childhood.
So is the bathroom both the bedroom and the interior design bathroom are very bright and give a romantic atmosphere.
Upstairs there is a large living room lit by huge windows from which you can See the forests and the snow and capped peaks.The room has six beds, one being in a niche.This room is certainly the brightest of the house. In the morning you have to wear sunglasses.
Upstairs there is also a rather small room with dark wood decorated on the walls with reproductions of famous paintings and that is why we call it a the artists room.
Above there is also bathroom, a laundry room, with two balconies for drying clothes or relax. Everywhere inside "Bastilla house" there are objects, paintings, decorations, pictures.that remind us of people, travels, personal events.
We also have a large collection of roosters outside is a small garden for sun bathing or dining al fesco, much appreciated by adults and children.
Last but not least an important feature of our home is that to get there you have to walk up a path because you can not get there in your car.
La Bastilla. B&B con 3 camere
Michela e Alberto